Gradually, over the past few weeks I've been adding to this board all the things, big or small, that I am grateful for. Some of the contributions are not mine, but I agree with them as well.
It is in no way a comprehensive list, as I'm sure there are still many things that I haven't yet thought to add. All the little things there are to be grateful for are sometimes just too numerous to mention or to give thought to, but it doesn't mean they aren't also appreciated. In fact, I have just thought of another thing or two to add.
It's not in any order of importance either; all of these things are equally important in different ways. Depending on the moment we are in, different things may be of different importance at different times.
Right now, the thing I'm most grateful for is that, as of May 2, 2020, we have ZERO active cases of Covid-19 here in New Brunswick. That item should be BIGGER, but I'm running out of room on my board.
All 118 confirmed cases that we had in our province have since recovered. There was one lady in particular, who I was very concerned about. It is not someone that I know personally, but her story circulated in social media and indications were that her situation was quite serious. She frequently entered my thoughts and I was so relieved when I had heard that she had recovered and been released from the hospital.
So here's to everyone that contributed to this statistic in every way, from those working on the front lines all the way down to those who helped simply by staying home!
Yay NB!